Thursday, September 30, 2010

Some Things New

Some new things have been going on in my life that have kept me from the blog world. I am fully recovered from my knee injury and back to running again only this time, I’m not running alone. I’m running with a little babe in my tum at seven months pregnant now. Preparing for baby has kept both my husband and I very busy.

We found out we were pregnant back in April and if you can recall, I was having a debilitating knee pain that caused me to lay off running for a bit. I believe it was tendonitis which was a result of the marathon I ran back in October 2009. By the time I found out I was pregnant, I was easing my way back into running with 2-3 mile runs at a slower pace. This ended up working out perfect for me because as a first time pregnant runner, I wanted to take running through pregnancy cautiously. Well, a couple of weeks ago I logged in 6 miles at 6 months pregnant! It felt amazing. I have managed to run all throughout my pregnancy. I have been fortunate to have an easy pregnancy. Running through pregnancy has been an incredible experience thus far. I’m impressed by how much my body can handle with a little person growing inside of it. It continues to amaze me each day.

More details on my pregnancy runs to come soon so stay tuned……