Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In love with my legs…

As a girl, I know that we tend to always focus on what is wrong with our bodies. I have always been aware of my body and how I look. I never took it to the extreme where I developed an eating disorder or where I had an unhealthy obsession with the gym but I always, and still am, aware of how my body looks or how my clothes fit, etc. I definitely have “those days” where I hate the way my arms look or pinch at the fat on my stomach or wish I could just lose those extra five pounds. I am girl, it’s in our genes. But during my marathon training I definitely had less of “those days” and more of the days where I found myself saying “I love my legs”. There were more days of being in love with my own body. I would wake up most days and admire the leaner me. I was reaping the rewards of my training and still am. Today during my total body conditioning class at the NYSC, my friend said to me “Michelle your legs are jacked! I’m so jealous”. I happily told her it was from running. Her comment made me feel so good because I have always loved my legs. I think they are my best asset and MCM only made them better. So during class today, I got down as low as I could and held my squat position for as long as I could, even though my legs were still sore from yesterday’s boot camp class, because I love my legs and know that they are only getting stronger and more beautiful from all I put them through. I am seriously in love with my legs and I’m not crazy.

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